BACK 2024-04-11

NetEase ThunderFire UX Shortlisted For Three Keynote Speeches At the Game Developers Conference 2024

What is the Game Developers Conference?

  The Game Developers Conference (GDC) is the most influential global game developers conference, held annually in San Francisco for the past 35 years. Despite the high ticket price of $2,000 for the week-long conference, as many as 27,000 industry professionals attend, highlighting its value and authority. One key part of GDC is the non-sponsored keynote speeches, with less than 300 sessions on average invited by the organizers each year, divided into core and summit categories. These speakers are carefully selected and invited by the organizers and the global advisory board, and are recognized by the industry for their high-quality innovations, representing high standards and development trends in the gaming industry.

GDC 2024

  NetEase Thunder Fire UX User Experience Center has 3 speeches shortlisted (1 confirmed, and 2 in selection round) for GDC 2024. The shortlisted speeches are as follows (Note: the exact English titles and speakers are subject to change, based on GDC's recommendations):


GDC Machine Learning Summit:

  Theme: A Robust and Fast ML-Based View Frustum Culling Method

  Speaker: Mu Dong (ThunderFire UX)

  Language: English

  Theme: Analyze Your Bugs Automatically: Root Cause Analysis With Causal Models

  Speaker: Ling Chen (ThunderFire UX)

        Language: English


GDC Free-to-Play Summit:

  Theme: Counterintuitive: What Happens When Empiricism Meets Statistical Analysis?

  Speaker: Bo Yue (ThunderFire UX)

  Language: English

       The upcoming 2024 Global Game Developers Conference will be held in San Francisco, USA from March 18th to 22nd, 2024. We are looking forward to reuniting with game developers from around the world in person, exchanging ideas, and sharing the latest industry practices and cutting-edge solutions.


Previous GDC

      ThunderFire UX has been invited to participate in a total of 41 GDC talks in its history, making it the game division with the highest number of speakers among ThunderFire, and even among China. It is also the professional organization with the highest proportion and density of speakers at the global GDC, reaching a wide influence overseas.  ThunderFire UX has made its debut as the first among Chinese gaming industries in many fields at GDC, including data analysis, UX, big data technology, interaction and experience design, art direction, game storytelling, animation programming, and recommendation systems, and has been continuously reaching new heights for Chinese game companies.


GDC 2020: 4 speeches

GDC 2021: 11 speeches

GDC 2022: 16 speeches

GDC 2023: 10 speeches